Thursday, December 26, 2019

Shark Tank part 2 - Filtier

In this project,  I worked with teammates to build a website for our client in a pretend "Shark Tank" project.  First off, my teammates and I planned out our roles and time to be more efficient in the project. We made a wireframe and storyboard to better understand the scope and details of the website. Secondly, my teammates and I got to work researching, designing, and programming the website. My role was to lead my teammates and program some of the website. For leading my teammates, I reminded them to be on task and encouraged them so that they be more productive. One example of this is when one of my teammates was tired and not being efficient in doing their work. I discussed with this teammate about the importance of the task that they are doing and joked to lift the mood up so that this teammate has a good mindset to be able to complete the work. For the programming side to this project, I first did the "Donate" page. I made HTML, CSS, and Javascript files. For the HTML of the "Donate" page, I typed in <html>, <head>, <body>,  <meta>,  <title>, <link>, <script>, <nav>, and <main> tags to start the webpage. Next, I typed in <div> tags and inside those <div> tags, I inserted <a> tags, <ul> tags, and <li> tags to make the navigation menu. Inside the <main> tags, I typed in <h1> tags that says "donations", <h3> tags that says "donate money" and "donate water", and two copies of <button> and <input> tags that are inside <form> tags to allow donations to be submitted. After that, I typed in <footer> tags which has <a> tags to link to social media and other webpages. For the Volunteer page, I typed in <form> and <input> tags so that users can type in their information. For the rest of the webpages, there was not enough time to complete them so they are mostly void of content. For the main page of Filtier though, one of my teammates completed it near the deadline of the project. Knowing how to use time management is important to a web designer because it allows for more efficient work and effort that can be put to use.

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