Thursday, September 14, 2017

Windows Versus Mac

The differences of a Macintosh computer versus a Windows computer are comparable. In a Macintosh computer, viruses and other malware are less sustainable to invade and mess around in those operating systems. Meanwhile, Windows computers are very susceptible to viruses and malware if you don't have antivirus or any sort of protection. In a Windows computer, the price to replace, upgrade, or repair parts is cheaper and more efficient than a Macintosh computer. In a Macintosh computer, it is more expensive to repair, replace, or to upgrade because the parts are sometimes rare or aren't as easily to put back into the computer. In a Macintosh computer, the operating system is more stable and faster than Windows computers which is much better for working. On the other hand, Windows computers are better to play video games on with all the features that support gaming although that hinders performance and stability. Windows has more software on it's computer with more exclusive titles on it while the Macintosh computer has fewer software and exclusive software. Macintosh has better quality computers than the Windows which use lower quality parts like plastic to keep production costs low. There is better customization in Windows computers than in Macintosh computers. You could choose the a whole slew of colors, sizes, and components in a Windows computer which you could make or have someone else make it for you. In Macintosh computers, you are usually bound to what the company Apple (the company behind the Macintosh computer) puts out in the market. Now in Windows computers, the booting time is slower than in Macintosh computers. Macintosh computers have less driver issues since most of the drivers are developed by Apple. Windows will have more driver issues because most drivers are developed by third party companies that may or may not have certain qualities of experience in Windows computers. Sometimes, in some Windows computers they have touch menus where you can tap at the screen and the computer could do a certain action for you. In Macintosh computers, there is no touch screen yet even though Apple has touch screen on their phones and tablets. In Windows computers they have more elusive games and more variety. Games in Windows computers usually arrive first on their operating system before getting ported over to Macintosh operating systems. Also, Windows computers have different user interfaces than Macintosh computers. For example, Windows computers have browsers with a minus sign, a two square icon, and a X icon on the top right hand corner. For Macintosh computers, they have a green, yellow, and read circle on the top left corner of the browser. Also, Macintosh computers and Windows computers have different button layouts on the keyboard. Command+C is to copy on Macintosh computers. On Windows however, Control+C is the keyboard shortcut to copy. Command+X is the keyboard shortcut to cut selected words and put them on the clipboard for Macintosh computers. Control+X is the Windows keyboard shortcut to cut. Control+V is to the keyboard shortcut for paste on Windows. Command+V is paste for Macintosh computers on the other hand. Command+Z is the shortcut for undo for Macintosh and if you want to do undo the command+Z, you do command+shift+Z. For Windows, the keyboard shortcut is Control+Z.  Command+Shift+4 is to take screenshots on your Macintosh computer while Control+Prt Sc(Print Screen) is to take screenshots on your Windows computer. Command P is to print on Macintosh while on Windows it is Control Print. To logout of your Macintosh computer, you press Shift+Opt+Cmd+Q. Finally for Windows, you press Alt+F4.
Image result for mac vs windows

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