Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Project 5.5 Interactive Brochure Reflection Journal

In this assignment, I created a interactive brochure from the brochure created in the previous project. First up, I opened Adobe InDesign to open Project 5's brochure document. I clicked on the image of the document to open the project in fullscreen. Once I clicked on the image, the computer transports me to the document itself. All the work previously done has been saved and shown on the document. Next, I clicked the middle text box from the second page of Project 5. I held the mouse button and dragged the text box away from the background. Then, I clicked the background to select it. I clicked from the InDesign bar Window, to Interactive, to Animations to show a pop-up window that I was able to animate the background. I clicked fly in from bottom to have the background go down. I did the same with the other half of the background but this time I clicked fly in from the top. After that, I put back the textbox back to its original place. I clicked the text box, gone to the InDesign bar, clicked Window, to Interactive, and then to Animations to show the pop-up window once again. I clicked appear to have the text animated to be appearing from the document. Thereafter, I clicked on the text box that was in front of the fire and did the same thing as the previous step. I clicked bounce for the animation, used the Direct Selection tool to adjust the pathway of the bounce, and moved the text box down a little using the Move tool to create a fluid animation. For the textbox with the question marks, I selected the zoom animation from the animation pop-up box. I clicked appear for the textbox from the green background for the animation to make the textbox spin in a circle. Therefore, I clicked on the first page of the document. I selected the logo for the brochure, clicked Window from the InDesign bar, clicked Interactive from Window, and clicked Animations to place an animation for the logo. I clicked appear for the logo to make the logo appear. After that, I selected the author's text box under the logo and repeated the steps from last time again. I chose spin for the animation. I selected the gallop animation from Interactive for the textbox on the upper left hand corner of the first page of the document. Lastly, I clicked inside the middle text box and selected all the links via the Text tool, clicked Window, Interactive, to Hyperlinks to make all the links highlighted so that you can click on the links yourselves, went to Animations, and made the textbox grow and shrink. I saved the now animated document as a PDF and SWF (SFW not shown due to capability problems with blogger).

 Previous Project Blog Project 5:
Animated Project PDF:

Monday, April 2, 2018

Power Skills-Synopsis (WBL Requirement)

Power skills are useful for everyday life and work. Teamwork glues and supports your goal until the end. Professionalism shows the ability of yourself. Critical thinking and problem solving helps with difficult tasks the further you get through your project. Communication creates a steady environment. Networking can find you more opportunities than what you see in advertisements. Finally, interviewing skills can get you the job you wanted if you choose your words right. Knowing your power skills unlocks more from your life to achieve!
This course prepares me for future employment by making me do work that will be useful in real life. It trains you to have good communication skills which is necessary for everyday life. It trains you to be cooperative so that your workplace and co-workers can have a productive day and paycheck. It teaches critical thinking skills that help me do my job in any environment and in everyday life. Also, it teaches networking skills that make interviewing and getting a job easier.

Power Skills-Interview Skills (WBL Requirements)

I think choice C is very vague and is a very unreliable answer to get a job. Clearly choice C is the unrequitable choice for the lady who has absolutely no understanding of the requirements to be hired in a sophisticated job and should not even be the failsafe for the inexperienced possibly robotic lady. The second interview was better than the previous interview. The new lady was had better reasoning to be hired for the job and clearly stated why she wanted to be in the job. The lady liked using math and science in proposals which fit in line with the job that she was applying. The lady used varying answers instead of referring to choice C like the previous lady everytime she got stuck. The new lady even tested the employers ability of listening skills showing that she is a good employee that can take initiative when the boss is absent from commision. I want to be the second job applicant because she used language skills that was better than the first which allowed her to talk to the employer better. The second job applicant also had passion and the knowledge of the work that was going to be required from her which made her a better candidate to get a job rather than the first job applicant.

Video for Interview Skill paragraphs:

Power Skills-Networking (WBL Requirement)

I am networking with Jupitergrades and iMessages. I know that I am networking with the right people because they always inform me on what is happening at the current moment. I can access internships with my teacher's post on Jupitergrades to find internships that I am interested in. I am able to find volunteering work on Jupitergrades to by my the school staff's messages.  With iMessages, I can find the latest news with my friends and homework I am missing which could help me with attaining a job that demands high grades from me.

Video of Power Skills--Networking:

Power Skills-Communication (WBL Requirement)

Communication skills are important to everyday life including the workforce. Communicating properly can grant you an understanding of what the message that is trying to be conveyed and what message is trying to be responded. Communication skills reduce the amount of confusion and inefficiency in life by transmitting a point across so that anyone can be diligent. Communicating the ideas and thoughts within the workforce can keep workers in their jobs getting paid.  It also can get employees promotions elevating the amount of income and status the employees earn.

Video of Soft Skills--Communication:

Power Skills-Critical Thinking And Problem Solving (WBL Requirement)

Critical thinking and problem solving are valuable skills in the workforce especially as a web designer. This is because you are able to fix glitches and bugs that arise while working on a website while programing. Thinking about ways to fix these sorts of problems can benefit your quality of the website and the efficiency of the website. Another reason is that if you solve problems that could inhibit the progress of your website, then the the progress of building the website will increase drastically rather than if it weren't solved. Having critical thinking skills and problem solving skills can also offer more of a successful chance at a business meeting for your website because it warrants you to talk more fluidly or persuasively to get the better deal of the business deal bargain.

Link to the video Power Skills-Critical Thinking And Problem Solving:

Power Skills-Professionalism (WBL Requirement)

Professionalism is a skill that can be utilized in our everyday to day basis, even in school. In school, you can show up to school on time and not be late for any of your classes to show professionalism. Another way you can show show professionalism is dress properly and in uniform manner according to the dress code of your school. Furthermore, you can do extra credit or do the work that is going to be assigned after your finished on the current task to show that you can take initiative and show professionalism. Finally, you should always complete your classwork, projects, homework, and any non life-threatening task assigned by your teacher on time and fully completed to show that you have professionalism. If you can do at least 90% of professional skills just mentioned, you can show that you are one of your teacher's best student to be worthy of! 😄

Video of Soft Skills--Professionalism:

Power Skills-Teamwork (WBL Requirement)

There are certain skills required to work with others as a cohesive team for a common goal. One such skill is communication which is fundamental towards teamwork. Communication conveys the message and responses so that everyone in the team is on the same page and knows what they are supposed to do. Another skill is task assignment which everyone does their fair share of work within the team so that everyone can do their work faster to complete the common goal. Furthermore, there must be cooperation skills because if no one is willing to cooperate on the common goal, nothing will get done. The final skill for teamwork is commemorate the work yourself and your teammates have done in the final product since it benefits everyone in the long run.

Video of Soft Skills--Teamwork: